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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 25 Jan 2019

Cat scraper reliability and presentation is the key

As promised earlier this week, more photos from our friend Down Under Gary Steen with some classic Cat scrapers that look as good as the day they arrived new.

Cat scraper reliability and presentation is the key
Where Gary works, keeping the kit in tip top condition is paramount and as Gary says himself, “It’s not just about reliability, its also about presentation, our machines are the best kept scraper fleet in Australia, if I say so myself!”. The photo above shows two more 651E’s all prepared, resprayed with the correct paint and decked out with genuine original decals all around, all ready to head to the new Sydney airport job, I think you will agree they look stunning. Interestingly Gavin Handley commented that the dealership he works for delivered those 651E’s brand new back in 1997! Gavin shared a photo of one of the machines on the M7 motorway job on a cold Australian winters day where a dad was showing his young daughters around the kit! Finally, in this batch, a great shot showing some of the fleet of 637G’s already in action on the new airport project in Sydney, great to see so many of them doing what they do best, shifting muck! We thank Gary and Gavin for the photos and information contained within this blog post. Checkout this video clip from the day the ground was officially broken on this exciting new project in Sydney.

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