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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 04 May 2021

Caterpillar History Lesson in just over 7 Minutes

Caterpillar is without a doubt one of the most famous brands in the heavy construction and mining equipment manufacturing sectors, and this year the company celebrates the impressive milestone of 95 years in business.

Caterpillar History Lesson in just over 7 Minutes

For over nine decades the giant American manufacturers machines have been building the roads, dams, bridges and infrastructure, on projects right across the globe, and even providing power for the Apollo space programmes.

The amazing history of Caterpillar from the early days of Holt and Best and a whole host of milestones since, is briefly documented in this video from Cat. There are some iconic machines to be seen in this footage, I found it really interesting and I hope you do too.


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