by Nick Drew | Fri 17 Jan 2020
Construction Simulator 3
I was approached to cover this by our new Digital Editor Kyle Molyneux recently and although gaming is not something I would normally get involved in, I thought I best take a look to see what all the fuss was about.
Apparently, the latest update of this game which I have downloaded onto my iPhone was launched just over a year ago. The Construction Simulator series was first launched as far back as 2015 by astragon Entertainment GmbH and has continued to enjoy phenomenal success with each new upgrade, offering construction enthusiasts the chance to build their very own fleet of machines and put them to work.
One of the standout new features in the 3rd version is the cockpit view. This offers players an entirely fresh perspective on what it means to control vehicles from the likes of Caterpillar, ATLAS and other well-known brands by putting players fully in the seat of their favourite construction machines.
As I understand it, previous versions focussed on American jobsites and locations, but in CS 3 you get a new colourful European setting for the 3D graphics, which I have to say are pretty amazing.
So far I’ve only had a brief play on it, and to be honest, I just haven’t got the time to spend playing games, but I’m thinking it could be a good way of killing a few hours during my forthcoming flight to Las Vegas for Conexpo, so I will definitely give it a good go then as to be fair it does look amazing!
Anyway, in the meantime checkout this promotional video featuring the Construction Simulator 3. I found it quite amusing that the big Liebherr excavator could track off the transport and sprag on the tarmac with its double grouser track pads and not leave a mark, and then proceeds to track over the block paving without it breaking up, oh if only it was that easy in the real world!