Y-ATG - March 2025
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 22 Dec 2016

Diggers for Christmas

I’m sure many of us of a certain age will recall waking up on Christmas morning as a kid and heading downstairs to see if Santa had left any diggers for us! I know I did and I had a lot of them from the likes of Tonka, Dinky, Corgi and Britains. Today the dominant force in kid’s digger toys appears to be Bruder.

Diggers for Christmas
Nothing catches a kid’s attention like diggers, well except maybe the sweet tin and the fizzy pop later on! But I think we can all relate to the excitement that diggers provide for young children. For example how many times have you been operating a machine when mothers are on the school walk and they literally have to drag the kids away from watching us at work with the excavators. They become almost mesmerised as they watch the machine in action and in all fairness it’s something many of us never grew out of, I know I am as passionate about machines today as I was when I was a kid playing in the sand pit with my Tonka’s! tonka-truck-vintage-012615-630x424 As I said in the introduction Tonka and the like appear to have been replaced these days by realistic looking tough toys by Bruder and in the following video a couple of young lads put 3 models from the vast range through their paces including a Cat dozer, a Liebherr 574 wheeled loader and a JCB Midi CX backhoe loader.
How many of you will see these scenes replicated on your lounge carpets over the coming days?

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