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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 25 May 2018

“Diggers for Dummies”

I came across this video recently and thought it would be a good one to share with the Digger Man Blog masses!

“Diggers for Dummies”
While many of us will look at this video from “Dirt Monkey” and find it mildly amusing, I’m sure many youngsters out there who are keen to get involved in the plant and machinery game will find the video very informative and let’s not forget, the industry is in dire need of young blood as so many older guys are retiring or simply turning their backs on an industry that has changed beyond belief in recent years. The first thing that struck me in this footage was during the opening shots where the guy is “side swiping” the material, admittedly, we have all done it and on occasions will continue to do it, but overall its not good practice and not what you should be showing youngsters to do, anyway check out the footage and see what you think, I am confident it will promote a healthy debate on our social media channels!

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