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Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 30 Aug 2022

Getting Down in the Forest at FinnMETKO 2022

This week, I am back up in Finland for a working holiday, so essentially some much-needed down time with good friends in my favourite place in the world, with a sprinkling of site visits for good measure. One of the places I will be visiting this time around is the FinnMETKO forestry machinery show.

Getting Down in the Forest at FinnMETKO 2022

Similar to the APF Show here in the UK, FinnMETKO showcases the very latest in forestry machinery, including automated solutions and digital technology, aimed at making on site operations more efficient and cost effective.

Its fair to say, that in the famous land of lakes and trees, our Finnish friends know a thing or two about timber, and how to deal with it and at FinnMETKO there is a large exhibition area, where visitors can see the latest kit in action with many live demonstrations taking place. After the prolonged layoff from live events due to the pandemic, anticipation is high for the return of this show, and more than 320 exhibitors are already signed up to attend, with some last-minute registrations still coming in according to exhibition manager Tapio Hirvikoski.

The wood harvesting working demonstrations will take place at the northern end of the show area, in the same direction you can also watch chipping and crushing demonstrations as well as stump grinding and crushing. 

This will be my first time attending this event as the forestry kit is a bit off my radar, but its always impressive to see these highly specialized machines going about their business. My Earthmovers Magazine colleague Eoghan Daly will be at the show representing our sister publication Forestry Machinery magazine, but I will primarily be covering some of the show via my social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, so lookout for coverage during the opening day on Thursday 1st September.  

FinnMETKO 2022 will be held in Jämsä Myllymäki, from 1st to 3rd September 2022. The exhibition is open to the public every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

I also have other visits lined up while in Finland so stay tuned to my social media channels, but in the meantime, checkout this video featuring some highlights from the 2016 edition of FinnMETKO.

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