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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 22 May 2014

Getting to grips with a grapple

There can be no denying it, watching a skilled demolition man putting a selector grab through its paces is a joy to watch. Whilst trawling through You Tube recently, I spotted this classy video featuring the demolition industry's media darling Austin Wilkinson!

It’s often said that good demolition operator can really work some magic with a selector grapple. The past 10 years has seen a massive uptake in the usage of the rotating grabs not only in the demolition industry but also in the recycling theatre too. You won’t see many demolition sites these days that don’t have a selector grab working away, engaged in stripping, handling and sorting materials. The operators use these tools like a giant hand on the end of the excavator, lookout in this video as Austin removes a carpet from the second story of a building. [youtube width="725" height="344"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyOqo-iQGd4[/youtube] The grapple in this video is one of Northentracks NTSG20-HD models, designed and built in Leeds, the attachment is manufactured using RAEX 400 high strength abrasion resistant steel. Weighing in at 2500kg it features a fully enclosed and protected rotation system. It comes supplied with reversible bolt on cutting edges. As a man who has always worked in the civil engineering and groundwork’s side of things, I feel I am missing out on playing with these amazing bits of kit! The Digger Man Blog thanks Paul Argent for the photos featured in this post.  

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