Y-ATG - March 2025
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 23 Mar 2021

Getting Up Close and Personal with the Cat 395 (Virtually)

During normal times we would have been able to take one of our regular visits to Caterpillar’s stunning facility in Malaga to actually get “Hands-On” with the latest machines from the American equipment giant, unfortunately this time around due to Covid, it’s just not been possible, so we have had to adapt.

Getting Up Close and Personal with the Cat 395 (Virtually)

The recent launch of the large Cat excavator models is a prime example of adapting to the current situation we find ourselves in. Demand is still high for products as the world builds itself out of this pandemic and the economic pressures it has caused, as such manufacturers are still keen to show off their latest kit to prospective buyers, and increasingly they have been turning to online events and the use of video sharing platforms like You Tube.

Photo: Courtesy of Bouwmachines.

It’s been frustrating not being able to gain “stick-time” access to the new products, but Caterpillar along with many other manufacturers have been doing a great job in getting the message out there in the meantime.

Photo: Courtesy of Koneporssi 

In this video from Cat, we join Malaga based Product Application Specialist Ana Ojeda Pinzón as she gives us an in-depth walk-around of the new 395, and we get to join long term Caterpillar Demonstrator/Instructor and all round top bloke, Frank Berdugo in the cab as he talks us through the payload assist feature.

Hopefully, come the time for next years Malaga event, we will be in a better positon with the virus, and be able to travel once more, but until then, we will continue to enjoy the videos and online presentations.  


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