YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 25 Oct 2013

Ha Ha Ha … Boom Boom!

No we haven’t suddenly gone all Basil Brush on you, but we have just been sent this video from our friends at Demolition News.com. The footage shows yet another twin boom machine which could have come straight out of a Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbird script!

Ha Ha Ha … Boom Boom!
This machine, which was revealed recently at the BICES exhibition in Bejing, is manufactured by Chinese company Bada TG, and is primarily aimed at the natural disaster rescue market, as a rescue machine for earthquake and Tsunami aftermaths. The machine is operated from a centrally mounted cab and both booms and dippers are controlled by just one operator, enabling him to hold heavy objects above with one arm and grab, while he works at clearing smaller debris while searching for survivors for instance. I’m sure this machine would be guaranteed to test even the most experienced of operators. From what I can make out this machine actually weighs in around 37.8 tons and is claimed to be the world’s largest rescue robot.
Of course we saw something very similar on the Hitachi stand during Bauma earlier this year, all be it on a much smaller scale! We thank Mark Anthony of Demolition News and Mike Woof of World Highways for the original heads up on this.  

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