YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 14 Jul 2020

Happy 95th Birthday Caterpillar: A Tribute

There has not been much worth celebrating during 2020, but one thing we can celebrate is American heavy equipment giant Caterpillar’s 95th Birthday.

Happy 95th Birthday Caterpillar: A Tribute

Caterpillar certainly know how to put on a show and that was evident during our visit to Conexpo in Las Vegas in March, just before the world went mad as the spectre of Covid-19 rose its ugly head.

I am confident that Caterpillar would have had a load more events in the planning for this year too, as they celebrated this milestone birthday. Unfortunately, such events for Cat and many other manufacturers have had to be parked for this year, but that has not stopped them getting the message out there during the lockdown months.

During our recent Hillhead almost Live online event there was a significant amount of Cat material on offer for viewers to see and our friends over at Content with Media in conjunction with Demolition News and Diggers and Dozers have produced this collective video featuring the Caterpillar footage from the show in celebration of 95 years of Caterpillar production. We love a bit of Cat material here on the Digger Man Blog as viewing figures always seem to go through the roof, Enjoy! 

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