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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 09 Sep 2013

It’s a Hyundai over and out!

These photos were recently posted on our Friends of the Digger Blog Facebook page, but I thought I would share them with the larger Blog readership.

It’s a Hyundai over and out!
The shots were posted by Grant Ellis, and depict the end results of an incident that happened recently somewhere in Scotland. I don’t have any specific detail on what actually went wrong here, but it would appear that the operator was more than likely tracking backwards, whilst the electric cable was un-ravelling, and unfortunately forgot that there was a ledge behind his machine! The drop combined with the weight of the swinging cable drum has been enough to topple the machine with devastating effect! We are always keen to see accident shots here on the Digger Man Blog so if you have any please email them off to me at nickydrew16 at, using the usual email format.  

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