by Nick Drew | Thu 22 Mar 2018
Lord Muck puts the X Series to the test
I recently discovered this fella on You Tube and to be honest, I can’t understand why I haven’t spotted him before, Kurt Mills aka Lord Muck as he calls himself is running a very successful channel attracting in excess of 8k subscribers.
Kurt, also known as Podge Muck, was invited to JCB last week on the day they hosted an illustrious gathering of high profile operators and social media influencers which attracted some of the biggest names in the industry, the likes of James Covell, Liam Kavanagh, Rob Taylor, Eddie Warrener and Shaun Gratton to name a few. They were invited to witness the unveiling of the new JCB X Series machines, which as I discovered for myself the previous day, is going to be a game changing product in the JCB portfolio.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Rob Taylor on Twitter.
I was especially impressed with this Kurt's walk-around and in cab footage videos and the way he talks in layman’s terms about his likes and dislikes about the machine. Credit where credit is due, it’s a cracking video, check it out for yourself below.