by Nick Drew | Fri 03 Sep 2021
Mayer & Co’s Flying Excavators
Austrian demolition and excavation company Mayer & Co GmbH has some pretty specialised equipment in their arsenal and I recently came across some examples of them over on their Instagram account.
Designed for special top-down demolition projects, the specially adapted Doosan 14-tonne hydraulic excavator or “Flugbagger” (flying excavator) can work suspended from a crane at a range of up to 100 metres.
Constructed with a heavy weight central lifting point, the machine is mounted on a platform which rests on the chimney being demolished to steady the machine as it munches away at the structure, a sight which is both amazing and somewhat scary in equal amounts!
Another similar machine but still mounted on tracks also takes to the skies for more conventional top-down demolition projects on tower blocks for example.
With either option, its an impressive sight to see these machines being suspended like this.
Checkout this video courtesy of Robert Bouchal for an in cab view of the high rise action. Just don't look down!