YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 18 Dec 2020

Merry Christmas From Digger Man Blog (Oh What a Year!)

Its that time of the year again, but after the one we have had and continue to endure, I’m sure it will be a bit of a strange one, nevertheless, we must all make the most of the break and enjoy the festivities the best we can.

Merry Christmas From Digger Man Blog (Oh What a Year!)

This will be my last blog post of 2020, during that time I have researched, written and posted around 270 posts on the stand-alone blog, and distributed them to all our other social media channels, in addition to all the other work I do throughout the year.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes that I’m sure many don’t realise, fortunately I love what I do and sharing my stuff with my online community, and as such I must take this opportunity to thank you all for the continued support of the Digger Man Blog throughout this most difficult of years!

When I ventured out to Conexpo in Las Vegas in March this year with my great friend and colleague Peter Haddock, I could never have imagined how the Covid-19 scenario was going to pan out, having said that, I am so glad I allowed myself to be talked into attending the show, as it was a phenomenal experience and we met some great people during our time at the event. But with the show being forced to end a day early and President Trump threatening to suspend flights, I must say that I have never been so delighted to see a plane as I was on the Sunday afternoon, feeling safe in the knowledge that we were heading back to good old Blighty before the world went into Covid meltdown!

I must admit, like most people I was very nervous about what the future held for us all, but luckily our industry has been pretty resilient in the face of adversity, and like many times before, through recessions and the like, the construction industry will build us back to better times of that I am certain!

The Digger Man Blog has kept going through all this virus nightmare though, as has my work with Earthmovers thanks to the support of Graham Black our editor, in addition the great new collaboration with Mark Anthony of Demolition News/Diggers and Dozers and Peter Haddock of Content with Media has been nothing short of phenomenal, and saw the team broadcasting live shows, launching a wide range of new products online, and generally having a lot of much needed fun too, so much so that we are expecting a massively busy year in 2021.

I’m now very excited for what the future is going to bring for this blog, my work with Earthmovers Magazine, and my work with Mark. Fred and Peter as part of the “Construction Collective”.

I don't do things like this very often, but this need saying, on a personal note, I went through a tough time in the early stages of the year due to a long-term relationship break up, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend Tracey Veale for helping me get through that period. Not only did she pick me up when I was struggling, she also helped me with business related book keeping/paperwork, and has now even inspired me to sort myself out, lose weight and get a new haircut after 20 years of looking like a convict!

We all need that special kind of friend in our lives, especially during these awful times, so thank you Tracey! 

With no real holiday taken this year I must admit, I am totally exhausted and in need of a break, like many of us I can imagine! But for now, I would just like to thank you all those who have stuck with us on the Digger Man Blog, and I wish you and all your families a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and most importantly during these strangest of times, stay safe!

We will be back on January 5th to kick off the year with some fresh new blogs, until then, its goodbye from me.    


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