YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 23 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas from Digger

2016 has been a crazy year in more ways than one, the world is certainly going through some uncertain times but now we all need to look to the future and see what 2017 will have in store for us.

Merry Christmas from Digger
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all our readers and followers, especially those who contribute to our various social media platforms and take part in competitions and the many manufacturers and dealers who support and respect the Digger Man Blog for what is has become since its inception in 2008. It’s become a huge success and we will continue to build on that success in 2017. img_0101 So as the festive season arrives, all I have left to say is that I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I look forward to your continued support in 2017. Best Wishes from Nick.

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