Y-ATG - March 2025
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 03 Jun 2013

More Of Digger Mans Plantworx highlights (Part Two Attachments round up)

In this my final look back at the very first Plantworx show, I am going to focus on the rapidly expanding attachment market. There were many fine examples on display, but in this picture heavy post, I present some of the highlights that I discovered on my travels around the showground.

More Of Digger Mans Plantworx highlights (Part Two Attachments round up)
ECY Haulmark had an extensive line up of attachments on static display at Plantworx, and a full range of these products was also displayed in the working demonstration area, attached to an AR demolition Hitachi Zaxis 225USRLC machine, which was equipped with the revolutionary OilQuick system. New models on the stand included the La Bounty MDP20R mobile demolition processor, the VTN MD290 rotating selector grab and the VTN CI070 hydraulic rotating shear attachment. Many of these products as mentioned were put through their paces on the demo plot by operator David “Simmo” Simmons, with special interest being taken by the gathering crowds on the operation of the OilQuick system. On the Northerntrack stand, Andy Hair and his team had an impressive static display of products from their portfolio, including a Trevi Benne rotary screening bucket, Trevi Benne MK15 hydraulic rotating shear and the Trevi Benne WT 010 timber shear and processor. Worsley Plant are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of concrete crushing buckets, and at Plantworx they displayed a number of their MB crusher based, DigACrusher models, including the BF 90.3, which is suitable for excavators in the 20 ton class, and the BF 60.1, which can be fitted to 8 ton class mini excavators. Concrete crushing buckets are a great solution for recycling materials, and for a small investment they will save you a lot of money over the life of the attachment. Also on the Worsley stand were examples of selector grabs and the Remu screening bucket system. European Attachments displayed examples from the Italmek range of demolition and scrap handling attachments, and had a Hyundai 8 ton machine demonstrating one of the Italmek hydraulic shears for the passing visitors. Also featured on stand, were two EMIcontrol V12 dust control turbines, these units are said to be the first stand-alone autonomous dust suppression systems. They are fitted with Casella Measurements multi-agent monitors, which incredibly locate the source of the dust, and will then direct the turbine towards the source to suppress it. Beats a man with a hose any day of the week! There were so many amazing attachments on display at Plantworx, far too many to mention here, but I think you will agree, when I say, one can never have too many attachments!

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