by Nick Drew | Tue 02 Apr 2024
New Steelwrist impresses Swedish operator during trials
New products are always researched and developed over a long period of time, and tested in real-world applications putting in many hours over the course of their refinement, often in complete secrecy.
Swedish manufacturer Steelwrist, recently launched their third generation of tiltrotators during a two-day event at Steelwrist Deutschland GmbH’s new facility in Hamburg Germany, where the new XTR20 was revealed to number of selected journalists and customers from around the world.
One lucky operator, Mikael Melin, had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the new model in advance of its launch, as he conducted testing of a prototype XTR20 unit during his day-to-day work on building sites in Sweden.
The Steelwrist team collaborated closely with Mikael to evaluate the new features, and were keen to hear his valuable feedback on his experience with the new tiltrotator.
They caught up with Mikael when they came to put the Steelwrist branding stickers on the unit, and took the opportunity to create a video interview with him, which you can see below. It’s in Swedish but there are English subtitles.
The XTR20, first in line of Steelwrist’s third generation XTR tiltrotator series, is also complemented with the first generation XR rotor couplers as well as with the second-generation XT tilt couplers.
The new product will be demonstrated at Intermat in Paris, and during other machinery exhibitions this year in Norway, Svenska Maskinmassan in Sweden, and in the UK during Hillhead.