by Nick Drew | Fri 29 Apr 2022
The JCB 3 Classic Video
How about this video for a classic #FlashbackFriday feature. I came across this amazing bit of footage from the JCB archives last week, while trawling YouTube looking for something else, I felt it would be a great fit for a Friday blog post.
The JCB 3 was a truly iconic machine, incredibly first introduced in the year of my birth, 1961. It was a smaller version of the already successful JCB 4 model, and featured the same Fordson Super Major tractor unit with an engine power output of 57hp.

I do have vague recollections of going to visit my father at work with one of these and being hoisted up inside the cab by my mother during a lunch break, but I didn’t start going to work with him on a regular basis until he was using a 3C model.
The machine featured the revolutionary ‘Hydrachassis’ structure which was based on a box frame that contained the hydraulic oil tank and fuel tank. It also featured the rear mounted frame which was to be known as the ‘Hydraslide’ which would see the operator undo the four bolts, before pushing the centre post across with the arm and boom, before getting out to tighten it up again!

In the video at the 6.22 mark there is a hilarious scene as the extremely agile operator leaps out of the cab to perform the operation, and as you will see, there are no 3 points of contact going on!
The video footage is from a JCB promotional film called ‘A Home of their Own’ and it really is an incredible bit of historical film from that bygone era, enjoy!