YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 21 Dec 2017

Top 5 winter cock ups

Accident photos used to be a regular feature on this blog in the early days and for some reason it’s in the human DNA to find other people’s misfortunes hilarious. In this penultimate blog post for 2017, I present a seasonal batch from the Digger Man Blog archives saved from the internet over the years, focusing on the snow and the hazards that can lie beneath it.

Top 5 winter cock ups
At number 5 we have this elderly Akerman which looks like it has gone through the frozen crust somewhere in Sweden. This photo was taken from www.gremminger.se which was the forerunner to hugely popular Swedish forum www.maskinisten.net . At number 4 we have an open cabbed John Deere dozer which has gone through the ice somewhere in the USA. A newer cabbed JD450H model looks set to attempt to rescue the stricken dozer from its icy grave! Coming in at number 3 we see a popular Hidromek HMK220LC hydraulic excavator which has befallen a similar fate. This shot clearly demonstrates the variety of weather that affects parts of Turkey often sizzling hot in summer, but bitterly cold in winter, especially in the northern territories. Number 2 spot goes to this impressive shot of what appears to be a Caterpillar D6 that looks to have become wedged while slot dozing snow. And finally, at number 1, this shot has been posted on the Digger Man Blog a few times before, but its such a dramatic photo, I feel it’s a worthy winner of this post. The dramatic picture shows a large Cat dozer which has gone through the ice and looks set to disappear completely. The snow and ice can be a lot of fun, but work wise it can be treacherous at the best of times!

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