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Buildwitt Mooo..ves into Skid Steer Ownership with Cat

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 02 Aug 2021

Buildwitt Mooo..ves into Skid Steer Ownership with Cat

Aaron has always been a life long fan of the Caterpillar brand, and even had his 6th birthday party held at the premises of his local Cat dealership, so it will come as no surprise to discover that for his first investment in heavy equipment, he has turned to the world-famous American manufacturer to supply him with a machine, via his dealer Thompson Machinery.

The machine in question is the latest 259D3 model which has received a factory finished custom black and white paintjob which looks stunning, but Aaron has added something a bit different to the machine since it arrived home in Nashville, TN.

Photos: Courtesy of Buildwitt 

Now as regular followers of Buildwitt will know, Aaron and his team, never take themselves too seriously and they like to have a laugh, so with that in mind Aaron decided to remove a lot of the original decals and replace them with cow style markings. “We just wanted to have some fun with the machine, which has now been renamed the Cowerpillar” said Aaron.

I don’t know what you think, but I reckon it looks pretty damn cool, and certainly stands out from the crowd!

In the following vlog we follow Aaron’s journey to the Caterpillar manufacturing facility in Sandford, North Carolina where he got to see his new skid steer going down the production line, and where he even got to sign his name on it.

The vlog continues documenting a visit to the Caterpillar BCP (Building Construction Products) division demonstration and learning centre in Clayton, North Carolina the next day for an interesting day of demos and try outs on some of the latest kit and technologies available from Cat.

It’s an interesting watch, so grab a coffee and enjoy!


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