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Digging deep into construction machinery news

CASE loaders get the job done

by Kyle Molyneux  |  Fri 27 Mar 2020

CASE loaders get the job done

Biowise Limited, operating as Wastewise, opened the doors of its state-of-the-art composting facility in January 2020. The facility provides a fast and efficient composting service to the local UK council, taking household compostable waste and converting it into product-grade soil improver. At the heart of this operation are three new CASE Construction Equipment G-series wheel loaders.

The in-vessel composting (IVC) facility utilises the sector-leading Dutch GICOM technology. It is a two-stage pasteurisation and maturation process, initially heating the incoming waste using forced aeration to kill all harmful pathogens and then maturing it over a period of several weeks under optimum controlled conditions to produce a PAS-100 certified compost and soil improver. It is then screened and separated to complete the transformation from waste to product in six weeks.

A crucial part of the process is the loading of compost into the 8m wide, 3m long concrete IVC tunnels and the movement of materials for further stabilisation and screening. These activities are carried out by three CASE wheel loaders, the newly delivered CASE 721G, CASE 821G and CASE 821GXR. The CASE 721G wheel loader is located within the IVC reception hall and loads the tunnels with up to 350 tonnes of waste. The CASE 821G and CASE 721GXR are located outside, emptying the tunnels and shifting the materials for shredding and screening. This high-load, high-speed process produces PAS-100 certified organic fertiliser for delivery to local agricultural and horticultural sectors.

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