by Nick Drew | Mon 08 Jan 2024
Caterpillar Push Pull Scraper Operating Tips (Classic Footage)
Ever since I was a small boy, I have been fascinated by Caterpillar motor scrapers, and who would not be a fan of these ultimate earthmoving machines, capable of scraping up vast amounts of material, transporting it and ultimately spreading the said material at another location, in the right ground conditions there simply is nothing else that can compete so effectively.
However, from my brief time spent running one in a push pull scenario in Malaga, learning the ropes was quite intense, there is so much to think about and to consider when running a scraper.

I have so much admiration for the operators who can swing these things around as if it was second nature, they make it look like a piece of cake.
I came across this classic Caterpillar operating tip video probably from the late 70’s early 80’s, which offers informative tips on how to run a scraper from that golden era of motor scrapers, and I thought it would be a great video to share here on the Digger Man Blog.