by Graham Black | Wed 06 Feb 2019
Engcon/Trimble Controls
Until recently users of Engcon tilt-rotators equipped with its positioning system upgrade have been able to see the exact position of the bucket within Trimble’s Earthworks machine guidance and control system.
The two companies have recently taken the next technological step, by automatically controlling the tilt function when used with Trimble’s GS5x0 sensors and version v1.7.0, or later, of their software. This keeps the bucket or grading beam at the correct tilt angle, so the operator only needs to keep the front-end equipment at the correct height and rotation to achieve perfect results.
Associated with this upgrade, Engcon's DC2 control system will be made available for download directly to Trimble’s Android display unit. This means that users have access to Engcon’s remote support procedures directly from the Trimble display and using its internet connection.