YOHT Alliance - October


Digging deep into construction machinery news

Extreme motor grader antics

Thu 26 Oct 2017

Extreme motor grader antics

As I understand it, the poster of this video on Facebook is Adeeb Dozer Alshjaery, who is a motor grader operator from of all places Iraq. He is seen here putting his Caterpillar motor grader in a bizarre position using the blade to jack himself over on its side, not content with doing that, he then proceeds to drive the machine around a yard on 3 wheels, its a dangerous procedure and I would certainly not recommend anyone doing this as it could result in a lot of damage being done to the machine. [embed]https://www.facebook.com/adeebdozer.alshjaery/videos/316552631793069/?multi_permalinks=1293539634125782&notif_id=1508428281778060&notif_t=like[/embed] The Digger Man Blog does not advise that anyone try's this stunt out on site.  

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