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Pélichet’s bespoke CDE plant

by Kyle Molyneux  |  Tue 05 Nov 2019

Pélichet’s bespoke CDE plant

A new 160tph plant recently commissioned by leading wet processing equipment manufacturer CDE at Pélichet’s Chauvilly site in France will help the company divert up to 200,000 tonnes per year of inert construction and demolition waste from landfill. The plant will also enable Pélichet to expand its operations through additional revenue stemming from the production of higher value products.

Prior to partnering with CDE, Pélichet had an abundant stockpile of heavily contaminated historic landfill material. Following a trip to the UK, and a visit to a C&D waste recycling operation using CDE plant, CEO Jérôme Pélichet was convinced he’d found a solution to processing the material. “We saw first-hand the challenging feed material CDE plant was capable of processing and extracting high-value aggregates from. We had access to similar grade material, but until that point didn’t have the technology to process it,” he explained.

The Pélichet plant mainly processes two types of feed material; firstly, excavated materials from its construction works and demolition operations, including 0-300mm clay-bound, silica-limestone material and, secondly, 0-40mm crushed C&D waste. The presence of plastics and other organic contaminants retained after processing was resulting in second rate products with lower value. Water availability proved to be another significant challenge at the company’s Chauvilly site. “For us it was imperative to have a plant which used water resources efficiently and reduced the demand on our limited natural water supply on site,” Jérôme said.

CDE took all this on board and presented a blueprint of a bespoke wet processing plant, including an R2500 primary scalping screen designed to handle heavy clay-bound gravel, rock and mineral ores and construction, demolition and excavation waste. This feeds an AggMax 251 modular scrubbing and classification system. The plant design also incorporates a full water management system, which recovers and recirculates up to 95% of process water.

The bespoke wet processing system commissioned by CDE is supporting Pélichet to transform 160 tonnes per hour of raw feed into washed 0-4mm, 4-10mm, 10-20mm and 20-40mm aggregates for use in concrete mix and drainage systems. It is estimated the new plant will support Pélichet to divert up to 200,000 tonnes per year of C&D waste from landfill.

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