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Digging deep into construction machinery news

Safety zone system by VPS

by Kyle Molyneux  |  Mon 25 Nov 2019

Safety zone system by VPS

Over 4,000 people work on construction and repair of our highways, often working alongside traffic moving at high speeds. Highways England reports that on average there are nearly 300 incidents a week of accidental incursions, where drivers accidentally enter roadworks, and abuse, affecting road workers who are busy improving Britain's motorways and A-roads.

VPS Highway Solutions has developed an integrated safety solution for highway maintenance personnel and roadworkers. The system alerts road workers to the danger of an approaching vehicle, using the latest analytic high-definition camera system mounted on self-powered VPS Smart Towers, all linked wirelessly to sounders fitted on traditional cones.

Apart from injuries, road workers suffer over one fatality every fortnight from being struck by a moving vehicle. Highways Term Maintenance Association (HTMA) this month held their Safety Forum, where research revealed a majority of UK road users - almost 60% - admit to driving in ways that put themselves, road workers and other road users at risk of injury or death.

The Highways Solutions team at VPS Security Services recently won the Transport technology Business of the Year award at TRANSTech for its innovative use of technologies to improve transport and mobility in the UK.

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