Y-ATG - March 2025
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Sun 02 Mar 2014

Blog readers go digger spotting

One of the popular features on my blog over the years has been reader’s holiday digger photos. In this latest batch we feature a rare excavator at work on a barge in the Czech Republic, and graders dealing with snow in Canada.

When Digger Man Blog reader Craig Shepherdson recently visited Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, he spotted an unusual machine working on a barge along the Vltava River. This rare barge mounted machine was picking up rocks close to shore and then seen to be depositing them further out in the river around bridge bases. Craig was unsure what make this machine was, and so put a shout out for any information on our Digger Man Blog Facebook page After some brief investigation, we have discovered that this machine is a Czech built Unex DH411, which weighs in at around 28 tonnes in conventional format with tracks. This excavator, which featured Rexroth hydraulics, was first introduced to the Unex range in 1979, replacing the outgoing DH103 model. This company, formerly known as, Unicovske Strojirny Unicov, have been making excavators since 1953, when they were designated the name Skoda for the export market. The Skoda name was dropped in 1969 and from 1970 all excavators were designated the Unex brand name. The company appears to have had a chequered past, with a number of takeovers occurring over the years, very similar to our own old make Hymac. The company as it is today is called ND LOR Unicov A.S. and was set up in 2003. The firm currently build a range of 19 machines, from 1.5 tonne mini excavators, up to 90 tonne class excavators and face shovels, including a four model range of wheeled excavators. Now we head across to Canada, where my good friend and blog reader Natalie Murphy is currently enjoying a winter sports holiday. The Canadian’s are currently experiencing some harsh winter weather and whilst out and about Natalie spotted the first of two motor graders in action on snow clearance work. This Caterpillar 140H machine was working in the town of Kimberley, clearing snow in the more residential area. This rear end view of what I suspect is much newer Cat 140M3 model, complete with side mounted snow wing, was working on Highway 3A between Creston and the Kootenay ferry. According to Natalie this stretch of road meanders alongside the Kootenay Lake in British Columbia, going up and down in elevation and is a vital road link to be kept open. Natalie is hoping to pay a visit to the local Finning depot in Cranbrook, to gain a few more shots for the blog soon. We look forward to seeing that, and we thank Craig and Natalie for sharing these photos with us here on the Digger Man Blog.  

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