YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 02 Mar 2017

Chinese or Korean copy looks familiar

I actually came across this video a few weeks ago, but I missed the boat and forgot to post it! It has since gone on to do the rounds on the various social media plant & machinery platforms and I think it deserves a spot here on the Digger Man Blog.

Chinese or Korean copy looks familiar
Love them or loathe them we all know that our Far East Asian friends like to copy everything from designer clothes to motorbikes, watches to mobile phones and of course diggers and attachments, you name it and they will copy it. I often have a chuckle to myself when attending trade shows where I spot our Asian cousin’s taking photos of the minutest details on machines and you just know that they will be taken back as research photos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its a bad thing its simply a case of competition and as we have seen recently some of the kit they are turning out is of a decent standard now. One of the latest things to attract the attention of the Far East Asian manufacturers is the tiltrotator, a work solution that is dominated by the Swedes where they have been a standard fitment on excavators from 3 tonne to 30 tonnes for over 25 years. Little is known about the manufacturer of the tiltrotator in this video but it’s clear to see that they have copied the basic principles from the four major Swedish players in tiltrotator manufacturing. What this video does show though is the superb skills of the operator and an insight into the flexibility that having a tiltrotator fitted can offer the end user, enabling them to do more work with significantly less labour involved.

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