by Nick Drew | Mon 07 Jul 2014
Motor scraper mash ups
There has been a fair bit of banter about motor scrapers on our Digger Man Blog Facebook page recently, with the scraper topic also being extremely popular on Linkedin as well. With that in mind I have taken a look back in the blog archives for some photos of when things did not always go to plan with them.
The machinery “cock up” photos have long been a popular feature on my blog and so here we go again with some troublesome scraper shots. In this first photo from America we see a scraper that has got some serious mechanical failure issues going on!
In this grainy archive shot we see a Terex TS 24 owned by Shephard Hill that has decided to lie on its back for a while! Thank god for the substantial ROPS cab protection that had been fitted to this machine to protect the operator.
Here’s another one that has decided to go upside down, this time “Down Under” in Australia. This shot was sent to me some years ago now by Gary Steen and shows a Caterpillar 627G that has performed a rollover. Looks like the rescue crew complete with crane had just arrived on site.
The operator of this old school Cat scraper must have thought he was heading for an early bath when his machine came to grief close to this lagoon on a motorway job!
And finally in this batch we see a French owned Cat 631 that has gone over on its side and has been saved from going all the way over by the build-up of earth that has spilt out of the bowl as she tipped. What puzzles me in this shot is how it got in this position on what appears to be flat running conditions?
Don’t forget, if you have any shots or material you would like to share with us, please don’t hesitate to send it to me at nickydrew16 at using the usual @ email format.