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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 07 Dec 2020

Taylor White puts the JCB Teleskid to the Test

Some of the first snowfall of the winter arrived in Ottawa, Canada in late October, setting the scene for the coming months. For the natives there, its just the norm, and for those that do the clearing a time to make some money out of mother nature.

Taylor White puts the JCB Teleskid to the Test

In this latest video from Taylor White of Ottawa based Ken White Construction, Taylor gets a chance to test drive a demonstration model of JCB’s 2TS-7T tracked Teleskid machine, complete with snowplough attachment ready for the winter 20/21 season, which was supplied to him by local JCB dealer Reis Equipment, who had previously trialled a 220XLC hydraulic excavator with him for a review, which we also featured on this blog.

In the following video Taylor gives us an honest review of his likes and dislikes with this machine, which is built in the British manufacturer’s factory in Savannah, Georgia, USA.Highlights for Taylor appear to be firstly the colour, he just loves that JCB yellow, the side door easy access to the cab, and the unique telescopic boom feature which is a first on skid steer loader design. 

True to form Taylor doesn’t pull any punches and just tells it as he finds it, check out his video below, you might like to whizz forward to the 3.37 mark which is where the action starts, as the first 3 minutes are typically Taylor waffling on in his trademark style!

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