YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 10 Oct 2022

Best European Operators Have Eyes on Las Vegas

Caterpillar’s Global Operator Challenge European Final took place last week in Malaga, Spain, and as ever our great friend and industry colleague Peter Haddock was there to get a taste of the action.

Best European Operators Have Eyes on Las Vegas

Cat’s Global Operator Challenge set out to find the worlds most skilful machine operator, from hundreds of entrants around the world who have taken part in regional competitions in the hope of progressing to the national and international finals, with a goal of making it to the Grand Final in Las Vegas next March.

Peter took the opportunity to speak to Caterpillar’s Julien Roux to find out more about the event and went on to witness the various trials that the operators had to compete in over the two days in Malaga.

The operators were using the very latest Caterpillar equipment including backhoe loaders, excavators, wheeled loaders, compact tracked loaders and material handlers as they tackled the various tasks against the clock.

The European final winners were announced during a gala evening event and the three operators heading for the Global Final in Las Vegas will be …   

Pontus Eriksson - First Place
Sebastian Behr - Second Place
Lukasz Mokrzyniski - Third Place

We look forward to seeing how they get on in the Grand Final in the stunning Cat Arena next March during CONEXPO-CON/AGG.

Thanks to Norwegian Instagram star and PonCat mechanic Amanda Korsgaard aka @gulbloggen and Peter Haddock aka @contentwmedia for the screenshots included in this blog post

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