YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Fri 11 Mar 2016

Cat D8H & Box in a sticky situation (Archive photos)

Just been rummaging through the archives again and came across a few photos which I have had in the collection for some time now, but I cannot recall who sent them to me. These shots are sure to appeal to our loyal old school muckshifting followers and as such I am happy to republish them.

Cat D8H & Box in a sticky situation (Archive photos)
As we can see in the first shot the Cat D8H and what is probably a 463G scraper box which was owned by Kettering based Billows Earthmoving, have got into a spot of bother in some boggy ground and subsequently become well and truly stuck. Cat D8H Scraper Bogged The second shot shows the extent of the problem with the tractor stuck firm amidst a rising water table! Cat D8H Scraper Bogged 2 In this third photo what looks like a smaller Cat D5 or D6 dozer is getting in behind the scraper to attempt to push it on through boggy ground. Cat D8H Scraper Bogged 3 Also at work on this same job was the ever popular Caterpillar 955L traxcavator, in the old school style with no ROPS, FOPS or any cab at all back in those days. Also of note not a sign off PPE either except for a pair of much needed earmuffs with the close proximity of the exhaust! Cat 955L 2 It would appear that the 955L had suffered the same fate as the D8H had earlier on and the D6 has been called in to give him a tug out too! Cat955 Those old girls certainly made a growl and I have fond memories of spending some time on one as a youngster back in the mid 1970’s.

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