by Nick Drew | Fri 15 Jan 2021
Classic D9 from the Master Model Maker
World renowned model maker Don Cambell from Northern Michigan in the USA has completed his latest stunning model, a 1959 Caterpillar D9.
This 1/6 scale model which weighs around 70lbs is based on an original Cat D9 tractor that is owned by one of Don’s friends, which was also used as a pattern to gain the dimensions for the model. As I understand it, he will also be purchasing the model from Don for his own collection.

The home made one of a kind model, features incredible levels of detail including a rear mounted winch and rope controlled blade, while the operator area features all the controls and instrument dials, in addition to work lights at the front of the hood.
When first launched in 1955 the real-life Cat D9 was fitted with a 286-horsepower engine, but that was upgraded the following year to a 320hp unit, which I suspect would have been fitted on this particular model.
I think you will agree, Don has done a fantastic job with this model, checkout the video below as he gives us a look around it.