Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Wed 29 May 2019

Digger Goes Dutch with Pladdet BV

Last week the Digger Man Blog was invited to attend the Pladdet BV Open Days event in Biervliet, Holland, which I will be reporting about in more detail for Earthmovers Magazine, but in this blog post I’m going to share a taste of some of the action from the event.

Digger Goes Dutch with Pladdet BV
The Pladdet family business, now in its 3rd generation, is celebrating its 75th year of trading, an incredible achievement for any firm in this day and age. It was a pure delight to see that this company is still family focussed and both Pladdet workers and customers alike were encouraged to make the open days event a celebratory family day out with an anticipated 5,000 visitors expected to attend. There was plenty to see and do and the kids even had their own area where they could get hands on with miniature diggers in a sand pit and even pop a basketball in the net with a Hitachi mini excavator supervised by a member of the Pladdet staff.
There was also an excavator-based challenge for adults using a Hitachi Zaxis 145W-6 “rubber duck” equipped with SMP tiltrotator and a Pladdet rotating selector grab, check out the action as we see UK owner operator Sam Veitch tackling the task of placing the letters in the correct order to spell out Hitachi.
The production facility is first class and its easy to see why they are extremely busy producing quality attachments and buckets, in fact according to Pladdet UK's Aaron Maslen, they have the capability to produce anything you could ever require using the best quality Hardox steel. The demo area was a main focal point especially on the Friday which was a gloriously sunny day in the Netherlands and it was lovely to see new Hitachi construction machinery kit of which Pladdet are also a dealer and a classic old Ruston Bucyrus 10RB dragline working together in harmony.
Lookout for the full article on this successful and friendly family business in a future edition of Earthmovers Magazine.

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