Y-ATG - March 2025
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 07 Nov 2017

Engcon opens new office in North America

Swedish tiltrotator manufacturer Engcon has established a direct sales and distribution network in the US and Canada. The company has now established its North American headquarters in the United States, the New York Metropolitan Area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut). The office started operations in mid-October.

Engcon opens new office in North America
As part of its ambitious global expansion programme Engcon, one of the world’s leading manufacturer of tiltrotators  has opened its new North American headquarters, from which it will establish a distribution network in the US and Canada. Engcon, a $90 million Swedish firm, has been manufacturing and selling its tiltrotators, quick couplers, control systems and tools for excavators throughout Europe and Australia for 26 years, and in North America for 10 years through dealers. Engcon’s new company, Engcon North America, will be responsible for the North American market and will focus on identifying customers who can benefit from Engcon’s advanced technology. The company will continue its expansion of its dealer network and service partners while promoting its tiltrotators and its safe quick coupler Q-Safe and EC-Oil automatic oil connection for excavators. Initial efforts will target the northeastern US states.  Joanna Tomczyk will lead the new Engcon North America effort as Director of Sales. In addition to a complement of six personnel, the facility she manages has space to house spare parts and inventory. Talking about the new North American set up Miss Tomczyk, pictured above said,“Customer service is a key value at Engcon, we will greatly streamline supporting our North American dealers with our new facility.” The American team are already having sales success with high profile social media machine men like "Dirt Ninja" aka Tom Gardocki, who's videos are something of an internet sensation, having invested in a unit which is getting great exposure on the web everyday.

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