Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 09 Jul 2019

Excavator Bottle Cap Challenge Goes Viral

This past couple of weeks we have seen an explosion of the latest craze to hit the internet, the Bottle Cap Challenge. It all started back on 25 June when a Taekwondo fighter and instructor Farabi Davletchin posted video footage of himself performing the amazing kick trick.

Excavator Bottle Cap Challenge Goes Viral
The stunt originally took off with people using their feet to spin off the caps and was quickly picked up by some celebrities who decided to get in on the act! But now, some ingenious excavator operators have joined the game in recent days. We believe that rising Instagram star and full-time excavator operator Conor the Digger Driver was the first to set up and broadcast an attempt and threw down the gauntlet for others to give it a go and post their videos using the hashtag #BottleCapChallenge and you can check out his footage below.
Our friends at JCB are without doubt marketing masters and never one’s to miss a trick, it wasn’t long before they put their own spin on the Bottle Cap Challenge using their new 19C-1E ETEC electric excavator, with the stunt being performed indoors in the stunning JCB theatre. A great job by the excellent social media team at JCB World HQ.
I also came across this version by the American guys at Extreme Sandbox an adventure park for diggers probably based on our UK version Diggerland. These guys used a Komatsu excavator and instead of a water bottle they chose to use and oil bottle, lets hope they had a spill kit handy just in case!
No doubt we will be seeing many more of these over the coming weeks until everyone gets bored!

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